miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2007

My Fourth Post

In the past class, we begin with an exercise of pronunciation where have that the sounds to differentiate between more lengths or more shorts.

After, reading a text, we refill the different departments (Marketing, Human Resources, Finance and Production) of a company and his different sub departments.

Then, We did an exercise of grammar on textual cohesion: Reference, Deixis, Pronominalization and lexical cohesion. Too, we saw the modal verbs, constructing phrases with a few verbs.

After,We saw the topic of Decision making. The summary of topic is:

Quantitative Factors

-Provide a numerical basis for decision making – reduces decisions to looking at a monetary value placed on different choices, e.g.

- But: such data provides only part of the story
- Other factors need to be taken into account, particularly the effects of decisions on stakeholder groups and their response to such decisions, e.g

Decision Trees and the process

Qualitative Factors

- Qualitative factors look to take account of these other issues that may influence the outcome of a decision.

- Can be wide ranging and especially need to consider the impact on human resources and their response to decisions.




- Might also need to factor in other external issues that might influence the decision making process which can be summarised as:

Human Resources Management

-Impact on a firm’s human resources is essential to consider, in particular the effects on:
–Recruitment and Retention
–May be difficulty to assess and measure
–May need to distinguish between short term effects and long term

Finally, we did an exercise of vocabulary about compound nouns.

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